
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Breathe More

"Fear less, hope more;
Eat less, chew more;
Whine less, breathe more;
Talk less, say more;
Love more, and all good things will be yours."
~Swedish Proverb

It's getting to be that time of year. The holidays are swooping down upon us quickly. It's a time to celebrate, visit with family and for me, reflect on this past twelve months.

What a year it has been! I have to say its probably one of my best ever. No - I think it is THE best ever. Wondering if I won the lottery? No. But the blessings I have been given are far to precious to put a price tag on. There are hundreds of incredible things that happened to me this year but there's not enough room to list them all. So I'm going to try for my top ten.

10. Health - we have been so entirely blessed with health in my family these past few years. There have been some hiccups and hurdles to overcome, but when I hear of other families' troubles, ours seem so minuscule. Check out this amazing family for example. It just continues to show me how lucky we are.

9. Fun - life sure has changed for me. I went almost a decade being holed up in a trailer in the country. Don't get me wrong - it was an awesome town with incredible people. But as I've mentioned, I was in a self-imposed prison of sorts. I've learned how to have fun and what makes me happy. I've visited islands and other states and even travelled out of the country again. I'm learning how to enjoy myself, even with the little things.

8. Strength - I've become stronger - physically, mentally and spiritually. I now have my purple belt in Tae Kwon Do. Pretty cool, huh? Over halfway to Black Belt. Whoohoo! I'm better at dealing with things that come along. My fiery Irish temper doesn't flare up as much because I know what's important. As I become closer to God, I become closer to God. Think about that one. I'm able to recognize even the small gifts around me and I draw even closer to Him which helps me recognize even more blessings.

7. Attitude of Gratitude - this was a tough one for me. A few years ago I had a bible study that required me to write down what I was thankful for. Besides my kids, I had a very difficult time finding anything else to write about. I was so miserable with myself and my life I couldn't see what was around me. I had to start small. I started looking, and the more I recognized it seems the more I was given. It just snowballed from there. I may not have any more than I did, but I know and very much appreciate what I have.

6. Compassion - this is another area I have greatly improved on. I used to watch shows like Extreme Home Makeover with extreme jealousy. Why did those people deserve that awesome place more than I did? What made them more special? I was so mired in misery I couldn't see past that. Now I am starting to do things I've always wanted to do. We are sponsoring a child. My kids see how other people live. They help think of ways we can help. Money that would once have been used for frivololities I being stashed away to help others. We fed the homeless for Thanksgiving and are going to do the same for Christmas. I helped out people that I may have just walked past before. And I promise that I am showered in more blessings than them!

5. Work - yeah, this is a blessing too! I have found a great job that keeps me busy. I have steady income and continuing growth in our business. Is it what I'm going to do for the rest of my life? Probably now. But it's a stepping stone for whatever the future holds for me.

4. Talent - both old and new. Ie been soooo blessed to be able to write this blog. I used to hate what I wrote. I guess it just took a little bit of living and life experiences to help me along. I love touching other people on her and on Facebook. I hope I continue to have a chance to share a little peek at who I am and how my crazy mind works.

3. Friends - wow! Talk about finding out who the real ones are! This past year has really brought the bad out in some and the incredible out in others. I have solidified bonds with the important ones and walked away from a few others. I have made some great new ones too! My friends have taught me how to be a good friend to others. I love you all!

2. Love - this ones' not going to be about what you think. Wait until #1 for that lol. I have found true love - with myself. Not in a vain, conceited way. With a comfortable old pair of jeans that fit like a glove way. I really like the person I am and will become. The reflection in the mirror isn't nearly as daunting as it used to be. And I really can't wait to see what the future holds.

1. Wayne - again, there is simply not enough room on this page to list the million reasons I love this man. A friend of mine told me that God had the perfect person waiting for me if I would just give Him control. I did (finally) and less than two weeks later the perfect man fell into my life and has no intention of leaving. No, he's not any more perfect than me, but he is perfect for me. Jacob summed it up: "he makes you smile.". Constantly. He warms me from the inside. He challenges me to be better but accepts me for who I am now. He not only puts up with my quirks but embraces them. He lives my kids as much as he loves me. He has brought some beautiful children into our lives as well. He gives me promise for a future that becomes brighter each passing day. I love you baby!

Well, there you go! Just few of the many blessings god continues to bestow upon me. What a great way to breeze into the new year!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. And you deserve all of it! So happy for you! Happy Holidays...Hugs.
